
Hello! I’m Havid Adhitama. Travel Blogger with over 10 years of experience in front end blog development. An licenced Amateur Radio. Common discussing about Satellite Engineering, Radio Frequency, Electrical Engineering, Internet of Things, Automotive, and sometimes talk about socio-cultural.

I'm Also interested to Experiment with Radio frequency, an amateur radio operator. My Callsign is YD2CLX licenced by SDPPI Indonesian Telecomunication Ministry. Member Of AMSAT-ID, Indonesian Amateur Radio Satellite and ORARI, Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization. Love all about engineering, offroading and tracking with my buddies. I spend quite a lot of time in traveling and blogging, these keeps me fresh for school environment. I also spend time volunteering at the Indonesian tourism ministry called "GenPI" Generasi Pesona Indonesia to introduce indonesia tourism to the world.

From traveling, I have been able to encounter many experiences that would be impossible to gain while just staying at home, meeting millions of different people and teaching about diversity. Discovering untouched beautiful places, exploring every corner to be grateful for God's blessings.

Havid Adhitama,
Part of  Blogger Serayu
-Volunteers GenPI, Generasi Pesona Indonesia, Kemenpar Indonesia.
-Owner of NorthAdventure  Outdoor Gear Rent. 

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